Please plan ahead for utilizing M Designs services. We will do rush work in emergencies and/or when possible for a rush fee of $50 per request. You can expect that most work can be done within 3 business days, but For new requests or larger projects we ask more time. See for details. Once we begin working on your request we will contact you by email or phone if we run into anything where we need your input. We will also expect that after work is completed (for example within 3 days) we receive your feedback soon and if…
Plan with the end in mind… Plans change but having no plan amounts to aimless marketing comprised of disjointed tactics. Setting realistic goals and having a solid vision of the result you are aiming for allows you to take each objective step with a purpose and to use tactics and designs with specific intentions; yielding specific results which can be measured and the tactics can be adjusted. There is always more than one solution to any problem… Whether it is a design problem, communication challenge, or a technical puzzle we believe there are many ways to approach and solve the…
Leaving people a little better than they were before Doing the right thing, not just the fast or easy thing Listening to understand and being willing to change Being generous with knowledge Doing what is expected plus a little extra; consistently.