• Operations Manual Entries - Uncategorized

    How to find and export contact lists in Constant Contact

    The following guide will explain how to locate and then export contacts lists into .CSV files from Constant Contact Please follow the numbered steps below, then see the following screen-shot pages that contain a visual representation of everything our text lesson has gone over. Log into the Constant Contact BP Portal. Log in and locate the client whose contact list(s) you wish to view and/or export. Click the “Contacts“ option on the dark gray header bar on the top pg.  Once you’ve accessed this you will be able to choose from “Lists” or ”All Contacts”   If you click on “Lists” you’ll…

  • Operations Manual Entries - Uncategorized

    Best Practices for Making Requests

    Please consider the best practices for requests for the most efficient use of both your time (waiting for finished work) and your money (less labor needed to complete your project). Try to prepare all of your copy and images and instructions so that it is as explicit as possible, for example if you need a quick poster design, give us a word document, or email with exactly what you want it to say on it. Be diligent when it comes to giving us feedback so that we can implement changes and revisions as quickly as possible. when making revisions try…

  • Client Fulfillment - Delivery Processes - Operations Manual Entries - Rules and Expectations - Uncategorized


    Please plan ahead for utilizing M Designs services. We will do rush work in emergencies and/or when possible for a rush fee of $50 per request. You can expect that most work can be done within 3 business days, but For new requests or larger projects we ask more time. See https://mdesignsmarketing.com/operations_manual/2020/05/26/turnaround-expectations/ for details. Once we begin working on your request we will contact you by email or phone if we run into anything where we need your input. We will also expect that after work is completed (for example within 3 days) we receive your feedback soon and if…